Simple DnDMap v1 Feedback

       Simple DnD Feedback v1

For my first playtest on DnD, Cesar Rivas and Ismael Diaz were my playtesters for this Simple DnD assignment. Before they played my game, Cesar chose the warrior class while Ismael chose the rogue class. At first, the game rules were a little confusing to understand since it was our first playtest, but after reading a bit more, my group and I have gained some experience from the rules for the next time we play. 

When we started out with my board game, it started out good until it got into combat. The reason I say this is because we did not understand the rules, so we made out with what we can with the rules. Since we did not understand the rules as much, Ismael’s rogue piece was defeated by a single attack from a common enemy. Next Cesar’s warrior piece was defeated as well with Ismael and the thing is that, it was only the first level.

From my point of view, I can see that not only our understanding of the rules has messed it up, it was also my lack of understanding with the enemies. So the feedback I got from them was that I should nerf the enemies a bit, since they were able to deal a lot of damage to the players. While playing my game, my group saw that my enemy pieces were taking damage all together, which made it hard to understand which enemy was injured (as shown below)


After hearing about that feedback, it made me think more about my game and what to fix to further improve the level design of my game. For improvements, I could make my enemies have less attack stats, since they were trouble for my players in the beginning. I could also make the board game layout bigger with space since I have played my group’s games and see that their layout is bigger than mine. I could also add a mini enemy too to see if they should be removed or added on there to give players more experience on the gameplay and level design. I should also add shadows to give my players a blind view to where they are going and to also make choices along the way to give them a better experience. Below is my board game right now. 


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