2D Mega Man Level v2 Feedback

                                              2D Mega Man Level v2 Feedback                            3/29/22

For this level, I made the beginning a bit more beginner friendly since on my last version, it was at first but later got too extreme for my playtesters. So, after getting that feedback, I decided to make it more friendly so that players can adjust to the game when it is their first time playing the level. For the beginning of the level, I added some ladders and some platforms for some players to jump and use, so that they can adjust to some of the level design of the level.

Later on, I added some falling platforms with some enemies who seemed to become threatening for the players at first. But after playing for a while, players will notice that the enemies cannot touch unless they fall down from the platforms or timing their jumps wrong.

From this level, the playtesters have made critiques about this part of the level that may need to be changed because for the falling platforms (green), there is a blocking to the jumps. Which causes frustration to the players who have a hard time making the jumps to the ladder while avoiding the enemies on the wall that shoots laser balls at the player.

Above the level is a checkpoint that has two enemies guarding it with a large health point pick up just in case if players missed one during the jumping part of the level with the falling platforms. While the level progresses, players will come across a certain part of the level, requiring them to time their jumps at the right time or else they will fall to their deaths, since spikes are a one-hit kill.

For this part of the level, players will have to jump in order to continue the level. Although it looks easy for players, some have taken longer due to the timing of the jumps that players struggle with. The reason I know this is because I have witnessed some of my playtesters and some of them have struggled with the timing of the jumps, which is why I need to change some of the challenges on this part of the game level. 

The part where players seemed to have trouble with is timing the jumps because while spectating, I saw only one player who was able to make it on their first try and it was because the player had to position themselves on the last end of the platform in order to make it to the other platform. Sounds easy at first but jumping constantly causes the player to time their jumps badly due to the part that they are jumping to other platforms that will break apart when stepped on.


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