SimpleDnDv3 Feedback
SimpleDnD v3 Feedback 2/28/22
For the playtest of the third version of DnD, I had the same partners Ismael Diaz and Cesar Rivas. Before we started the game, Ismael chose the warrior and Cesar picked the ranger class as their pieces. As the game starts, it seems fine from my point of view because the players will be rolling high numbers to defeat the enemies and are collecting items while doing so. So, because of that, I think it turned out well. As the game progresses to the end, I have received feedback from my partners.
For Ismael’s feedback, he stated that there were too many chests for players to grab, meaning that they will be abusing the items to their advantage. He also told me to make the enemies a bit easier since they were not much of a threat throughout the whole game. After hearing that, I checked my map and saw that there were way too many chests for players to open and checking the enemy's stats, I have seen what Ismael meant when they were no threat to the players. So, I decided to keep that in mind the next time I make another DnD. Below are the chest locations with the orange colors and yellow for the checkpoints.
For Cesar’s feedback, he stated that the map is too big for players to get confused and there was not much lighting on the paths, so most of the time, he was confused on where to go. Looking back at what he said, I did see that as a problem when I was observing them playtest. So, while thinking about my map layout, I did see it as a problem and thought to myself about how I can try to improve it. After thinking about it, there were some things that I needed to change. Below is anexample of my map with blue indicating enemies and red for the players. For one, I could make smaller paths so that players will not get lost and spend more time on finding which path to go to. I could also add less chests so that it can be more challenging for the players. But also add more lighting so that players can see and know where to go when looking for the boss.
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