Simple DnD Feedback V.2

 Simple DnD Feedback V.2

For my second playtest, we were given the same playtesters as last time, which were Daniel Lee and Weillin Tang. Since this was the second time they were using Roll20, they were much more experienced, so the playtest was much smoother than the first time. But other than that, I felt the progress on this second version on DnD was much better for a couple reasons.

For one, I was able to darken the map, as compared to the first version, I felt like a darker color gives the player a better experience, since their adventure starts in a cave. Another reason is that adding doors to this level made my playtesters move around the map to experience more of my map and it was fun to see what my playtesters will witness and experience when exploring my map. My third reason would be the progression of the game because in my first game, it took my playtesters a while to progress but with the new additions on the second version of my DnD, somehow, my playtesters were able to get closer to the boss at a faster rate.

On the map below is my game board and if compared to the first version, it looks a lot more different and I have also implemented doors so that players can transition to new and unexplored areas.

The changes I have made are the directions on which the players are forced to go to a different area, I added darker colors to get rid of bright colors, and changed up my little storytelling for this version of the game. I believed that the challenges presented in this level were introductory because my players were not struggling with which way they would go and the enemies were not too hard and easy for them to defeat. But a thing I have been considering is making less enemies because the players will not have enough time to go against my boss, which is the same problem with the first playtest.


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