Simple DnD Map Feedback V.1

         Simple DnD Feedback V.1       9/12/23

For my first playtest on DnD, Daniel Lee and Weillin Tang were my playtesters for this Simple DnD Assignment. At the beginning of the class, we were given time to share our games and during that time, I was also helping and leading them on how Roll20 works, such as being the Game Master and adding fogs to add effects to the gameplay. So because of this, my playtesters and I have all agreed on my game being the first to play since I have already experienced being the Game Master before.

When we started out with my board game, everything was going good because I was able to lead my playtesters to areas where they were supposed to go, a little storytelling, and my enemies were not too hard to defeat. Although there were some good things about my DnD, I felt like I could have implemented more into my map. The reason being is that when I playtested in my groupmates board games, I can see that their maps had more things that I could have added into my map, such as health recovery or stat buff areas. With that in mind, those are some things I can implement in my next DnD map. 

In my next map, I could add darker colors to make the map look more like a dungeon or cave since I have goblins as my enemies. I could also add more NPCs to show players a little story in this game and it can also improve my storytelling skills. Apparently, my playtesters did not make it to the boss in a certain time limit, so maybe I could make the areas smaller or add less enemies so that the players are able to progress to the boss faster and because of this, I am not sure if my boss can be a threat with the stats I have given him. (Below is my map and boss has 3 DEF and 4 ATK)

Other than that, I felt like the challenges for this level are not too complicated because the players were able to defeat the enemies at a normal pace and the critical path was pretty obvious since every time the players would defeat enemies, I as the Game Master would open up a new area. So because of this, I felt like the DnD was simple enough for players to first get used to the areas and rules before progressing to harder parts of the levels. For the overall flow, I felt like it was good but not enough since my playtesters were not able to get to the boss at the time they were given during the playtest. For the rule mechanics in this game, I was able to guide my playtesters on how the rules work but there were some rules that I have not yet understood such as the jumping obstacles and escaping part of the rule set. But other than that, my playtesters and I were able to still play with the rules that were given.



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