3D Game Level 1 v2 Feedback
3D Game Level 1 v2 Feedback
How did the changes in your level help with this version?
In this level, I have added colors to help implement the theme Sci-Fi/Jungle, added a couple trees with acid jump, also changed the invisible wall into camouflaged breakable blocks and a bigger house with a pressure plate to activate the moving platform. But other than that, I think some of the changes were needed to make the game level more easier to play through than the first version.
What mechanics did you implement in your level and why?
The mechanics that I implemented in my level were still the same as the first version, it was just that the differences were a house with a pressure plate and a smaller acid jump platform.
Did you add any new mechanics to your level?
In this version of the game level, I have not added new mechanics to this level since I was fixing other mechanics that had problems or were poorly designed.
What went right?
Things that went right with this second version are the camouflaged breakable blocks because in the first version, players did not think it was a good idea to make walls that players can walk through, so for that reason, I implemented camouflaged breakable blocks to solve that problem. Another thing that went right was the environment, such as the trees, colors, and the bigger house since it was poorly implemented in the first version.
What went wrong?
The thing that went wrong was the level because it was smaller than the first version and there were not really any puzzles or challenges that made the player actually “play” the level.
How might you improve your level next time?
I can improve this level, if I were to implement more mechanics to keep the player intrigued instead of just having them walk around and activate switches.
Were the challenges presented appropriate to the skill level of the player?
I would say it is appropriately presented to the players who are playing their first game, but to some people, it can be considered way too easy.
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